Recent projects
Responsive Youtube Embedding
Black bars be gone! A website and jQuery plugin for responsive Youtube embeds at any aspect ratio, without the black bars. Responsive web design has...
A Podcast to the Curious – The M.R. James Podcast
Since 2011 I’ve been the co-host/producer of a podcast about the master of the English ghost story, M.R. James. I’ve been a big fan of...
Case Study: Monty’s World
I’ve always loved maps. The room I’m sitting in right now has five maps hanging on the walls. This being the case, it should be...
Case Study: Peter Ross Art
My dad is an amazing artist, but he’s also an incredibly modest chap and hates blowing his own trumpet so when it comes to self-promotion...
Case Study: Structural Damage Records
As with all the best ideas, it began with a conversation in a pub. My friend and fellow musician Hellboy (Michael to his mum) were...